Sunday, May 10, 2020

How to Use the French Preposition Sans

The French preposition  sans  means without, indicating a lack in general, an absence, privation or an exclusion.  It can be used with nouns, pronouns, and verbs, and it  appears in many French idiomatic expressions: to signify  without, to express a  condition and to use with an infinitive. Learn how to say homeless, otherwise, barefoot, and more with this partial list of expressions using  sans. There are many, many more. The word sans has also made its way into several English-language terms and expressions, such as  sans serif, describing a font without flourishes or serifs. To Indicate a Lack Il est parti sans moi.He left without me. Sans argent, cest difficile.Its hard without money. sans blagueseriously; all kidding aside; no kidding sans chaussuresbarefoot sans quoi  (informal)otherwise sans attendreright away sans aucun doutewithout a doubt sans additif  additive-free essence sans plomblead-free gasoline sans scrupulesunscrupulous To Say  What Didnt Happen Il est parti sans me parler.He left without saying anything to me.Elle est venue sans à ªtre invità ©e.She came uninvited (without being invited). To Express a Condition Sans mes amis, je serais triste.If it werent for my friends, Id be sad.Sans son assistance, nous ne pourrons pas finir le projet.We wont be able to finished the project without his help. When Used With an Infinitive sans savoirwithout knowing; without being aware   sans plus attendrewithout further ado comprendre sans comprendreto understand without fully understanding To Signify Without and  Translate as un____ Or ____less   un homme sans abrihomeless man sans coeurheartless une femme sans prà ©jugà ©sunbiased woman sans scrupulesunscrupulous

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